Sunday, October 20, 2013

New York

Chào buổi sáng ( Good morning!)  Lâu ròi không gặp bạn (Long time, no see),

Its a bitter-sweet feeling being back in Ho Chi Minh City. Within the last 20 days, I spent 10 days in New York visiting friends/ family and jam packing an entire fall season into one week. The next 10 days my friend Megan and I conquered the city of Hanoi, the mountains of Sapa, and the typhoon felt in Ha Long Bay.  It was quite the adventure and I met some unforgettable people that made my travels surreal. However, it was a great feeling coming back to the big HCM and spending time with the people Ive missed.

I'll start off filling everyone in on NY and then continue each additional post with a place I traveled to in the last 20 days.

Going home: "No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel the world and then rest his head on an old familiar pillow"- Lin YuTang

I tried to find a quote that was less cliche but ultimately, this quote sums up all of the emotions I felt being home. Vietnam has been a thrill, discovering unfamailarities within the people, language, culture, and lifestyles. However, it will never compare to seeing my dad drive away from the airport wearing a rice hat, grabbing coffee with the family after Sunday mass, walking around Bucknell with my two sisters who I've missed terribly, making pumpkin bread with my mom, carving a minion pumpkin with Chris, walking around Applefest with friends, and spending my last night home with family friends--swapping past stories over a couple of cold g & ts.

In addition to all the excitement, I was even able to accomplish some things for the daycare. I set up tours with Rochester's Cerebral Palsy Center and MaryCariola's disabled children's program. I was blown away!!! I walked out of the tours with a bunch of new ideas, curriculums, and tactics that we can implement into the disabled center in Vietnam. I was even able to build a connection between our organization such that the centers agreed to send us photographs, resources, and even donations. My head is still swarming with ideas and I can't wait to get the ball rolling again in HCM.

Well it's time to find a new wifi spot but I'll end with a new pictures from home :)
( pictures aren't uploading but ill add them ASAP)

P.S. As I was about to leave my seat, a man asked me a question and then struck up a conversation. Apparently he packages and distributes honey all across the world, NY being one of them. We had a long conversation about work, school, his family ect. and he invited us to join him another time for coffee. This is not uncommon in Vietnam so I thought that moment was good to write about. It is customary to strike conversation with random strangers and offer to take them out as a friendly gesture. For instance, a young vietnamese student I've met around campus is taking me out to coffee tomorrow to practice her English! I'm not underestimating how friendly people in HCM are...
( but don't worry I always travel in a group or meet at our college to keep you all worry-free at home :))

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